

Lawrence Lai - President

Born in Australia, raised in Hong Kong, and have spent the entirety of college and graduate life in three different states, Lawrence is exposed towards a multitude of different cultures.

Based on the context of this website, one he claims to be proudest would naturally be his Hong Kong ethnicity. Lawrence looks highly towards the Cantonese language, believing that its unique nine tone system trumps the possibilities of expression from all other languages. Not to mention that the slang culture of Hong Kong's very own cantonese shapes individuals into the modern society.

As the HKSS President, Lawrence seeks to expand public relationships with other student organizations and corporations. In a time of scarce membership, Lawrence also took on the part time job as being the webmaster, intending to gain further publicity for HKSS.

For his overall life goals, Lawrence intends to employ his knowledge and experience in the Chemical Engineering field past his PhD in progress, hoping to one day develop a scientific side to the capitalistic Hong Kong. It is Lawrence's belief that he could further season the cultivation of Hong Kong's career perceptions to being more diverse than purely business in nature.

Janice Chui - Vice President

Born and raised in the US, Janice is a Chinese American from New York who proudly embraces her cultural heritage. She has a strong cultural connection with Hong Kong, which is one of her favorite cities, and she can also speak Cantonese.

Janice likes to travel because it has exposed her to different cultures. She is especially interested in Chinese culture and likes to visit East Asian countries. Of course, another perk of traveling is the good food!

She joined HKSS due to her passion for Hong Kong and has since then taken on more responsibilities by becoming an HKSS officer. Through organizing events, she hopes to share her love for Hong Kong with others, foster greater interest in the city and its culture, and build up a close community in HKSS.

Janice is an Electrical Engineering and Computer Science major and is involved in numerous student organizations on campus. She hopes to apply the skills she learns here at MIT to her future career and to gain enriching experiences throughout her life.

Administrator Joanne Lee - Treasurer

Born in Hong Kong, Joanne spent the early years of her childhood in Southern China, split between the cities of Hong Kong and Guangzhou. Although she resided in suburban Illinois for the last 9 years of her life, she still embraces and appreciates her Cantonese culture whenever possible.

Joanne loves traveling, but she prefers traveling when she is fully reimbursed by a sponsor. She is also a big fan of card games, her favorite being Resistance and perhaps Big 2. As Treasurer of HKSS, Joanne plans to bring HKSS order through paper work, taking lead in the HKSS fiscal management, alongside spreading joy in the forms of card games and food.

Joanne plans to be a computer science major and hopes to do something remotely useful with her life.

Past Officers